Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Where Jesus Meets Us...Outside

Spring is slowly but surely turning into Summer here at SPEC! The gorgeous weather, warm sunshine, and longer days are starting to produce more opportunities for fun and fellowship outside! I had a ton of fun on a team challenge session today we call SWAMP. I spent the day watching 15 yr old London lads try to get across land on tires and planks while wearing school uniforms. Entertaining stuff...

What's that sound? Is that the sound of hell freezing over? Ladies and gentleman, I've started to run. I have never nor do I ever intend on calling myself a runner, but I must say I'm getting enjoyment out of said form of exercise lately. Its never for long distances nor could it be achieved without the pounding beats found on my "Run It" playlist. Its something I hope I can keep up for the sake of my health and appreciation for my lovely summer surroundings.

Tonight as I finished my laps, I discovered a pick-up game of football (soccer) commencing. I normally don't pick up anything having to do with athletics- but you DID just hear me say that I've started to run....Believe, people. Believe.

And so--- In the spirit of World Cup year, representatives from England, Slovakia, Hungary, Germany, the Czech Republic, New Zealand, and the U.S of A played a hilariously unathletic yet rousing game of football. With all that worldly spirit, I gave it the all-American try. When you get the choice to sit it out or play soccer (for the first time in 10 years)- I hope you play.

As I was running my usual loop around the property, I came across a Jeep-esque car called a "Frontera" (made by British car manufacturer Vauxhall). I couldn't help but chuckle as I thought about LOMO's summer theme for 2006- "La Frontera: Where Jesus Meets Us" Those of us who taught that curriculum might still be scratching our heads--- but one thing is clear, Jesus meets me at SPEC. This spring/summer is helping me be reminded of this lovely sentiment. Thanks be to God!

Stay tuned to this blog and my monthly newsletters for recaps and musings on my cruise holiday with my parents!

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