Monday, January 25, 2010

My First Sermon.

I was asked to give a message at one of the evening worships at our Time For God Big Conference last week. I didn’t hesitate in saying yes; after all, I just spent a ton of money (sum not to be disclosed) on a Communication/Religion degree from Capital. Might as well apply my abilities to communicate religion! I received a generous and motivating response from my peers at the conference. Here it is for my fans at home. Especially Rev. William B. Diehm…this one’s for you!!

My dad is a fisherman by hobby and a Lutheran pastor by occupation. Faith as it relates to fish has been a big part of my Christian life. I always knew the biblical fish stories well. I’m also pretty familiar with fish trinkets suitable for fishing pastors on the Christian bookstore market. I’ve experienced being in church when I’d rather not be AND being out on the lake in my dad’s boat when I’d rather not be. I secretly enjoyed the latter so much I became quite the daddy’s little fish skinner/cleaner.
I’ve always paid most attention to the idea of being “fishers of men.” It was always such a crazy thing to imagine as a kid….casting off, feeling a huge bite, and reeling in a human. I now can acknowledge and appreciate my dad as the amazing fisher of men he is; an inviting and compelling pastor who has amazing gifts and talents in ministering to people. At this stage in my life, another part of today’s text stood out to me.

In Matthew it says that, “the disciples left the boat and their father and followed him.”

I actually became teary-eyed when I read this text. I cried because I am a naturally emotional person but also because this image is a very significant part of my year. Through this experience, I am fairly certain of one thing….

This TFG year is about me leaving my boat.

My “boat” is all the things I leave behind this year. I am leaving behind family, friends, my accomplishments, my American culture, my daily routine, expectations, other possible plans and much, much, more.
As I consider what it might mean for each of you to make the commitment to be a TFG volunteer I ask you- What are the "boats” you are leaving behind to follow God and say “yes” to this year?
Relationships with others are a large part of what I leave behind. I also have made another discovery about this year. One particular “boat” in my life is my university education. I worked hard for 4 years and I graduated last May. I am proud of my achievements, and my education remains important but it doesn’t really matter to the young people that come to SPEC.
The teenagers I work with at SPEC care more about my abilities to listen, laugh, play games, stay up late, enjoy their company…all things I can do. Oh and they also like my American accent!

Through it all, we must be reminded that leaving our boats behind is a commitment much larger than ourselves. A commitment that is worth it. No matter how challenging, scary, frustrating, or lonely it is to leave our homes behind. No matter how much you might want to curl up on the floor and cry at times….
There is no situation, struggle, joy, place (or placement) that is beyond the loving reach of God. Just as the first disciples hesitated, saying “yes” might still continue to feel difficult at times through this year and throughout our lives. I hope the commitment you made this year is fulfilling. I pray we all can find the light of Christ in a variety of ways this year, both expected and unexpected. Know that the love and grace of God will be with you as we all continue the journey and say “yes” to the call. May you find it was well worth leaving your boats for!


  1. We're actually getting into a big boat in April...I can't wait my darling Marta! Well done good and faithful servant...keep listening for that next call's not far from your ears!

  2. This is Beautiful Marta- this was the reading for the Sunday I left for service, and the things you are saying ring so true - Thank you so much for getting out of the boat!

  3. Marta, Your Dad's sermon last Sunday involved one of his fishing was great! He is an inspiring speaker and so are you! Please consider following in his footsteps with your life's work.
    Kathy K.
